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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Make children more active

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In a creative world, the children are the future of this country and that was fully revealed when 25 children turned curators and proved that the Museum belongs to them totally. In this competitive world, students will work hard to get on in their career at the best by facing tough competition. Awareness to the students has to come from parents as well as teachers who need to make them aware of historical facts of the country, current issues, social issues, international issues, development in science and technology. This makes the students to go through the general knowledge books, magazines, news papers with keen interest to know what it is then and what happens next.

Knowledge is power and by inculcating knowledge, the future of children will be at the top of the world. Mall culture has come to stay in India in general and Mumbai in particular. It is high time to have a regular drawing and painting sessions during weekends. Kiosk can be made available for children to play intelligent games. More on physical activity a cricket ball can be hanged in the indoor net arrangement for knocking for five minutes for a price of Rs 15. With summer vacation on it is the right time to have more expansive treasure hunt for children. The talent in children will come out in the best way possible with variety of activities.

An hour of physical activity per day is recommended for all children above the age of five, but is commonly lacking in girls aged nine-18. It helps against the early onset of lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, PCOS and menstrual irregularities for girls. Sitting in itself slows down metabolism. When we sit, the large skeletal muscles in the legs and back practically go into hibernation. They do not utilise glucose, as they require very little energy to be still. That is why fidgety children do not gain weight.

Sitting at home and studying all day induces cabin fever which reduces productivity, believes Mind. After a long day of sitting, poses such as the ardha matsyendrasana release compression in the spine. Surya namaskars are also easy to learn and fun to do. These help expend the excess energy in the body, and reduce distractions. Most kids enjoy doing inversions like sirsasana, as it calms them down by reducing the tempo of your breathing, and sends blood to the shoulders, neck and brain, areas that you should be relaxing. This should be done with support, with a parent, against the wall. Simple rhythmic breathing helps increase focus and memory power, and reduces anxiety. One deep breath followed by one short breath.

Running, cycling, swimming, walking, dancing and playing sports such as cricket, badminton, football, or basketball, all pump up cardiovascular activities, even if children have just 40 minutes for it. On days that they don’t have a lot of time, help them find at least 15 minutes for light exercise, whatever they enjoy doing. Stretching at least once every hour is important.

The mere act of moving about, doing whatever eases the mind, whether it’s playing games or walking and gossiping with friends, or riding a cycle alone, counts as free play. There is absolute need for children to relax during their study time. Playing few games of chess or playing carom board for half an hour will provide the children the much needed relaxation. It is time to practice good habits during the summer vacation so that the children can maintain in the same vein when their regular school commences in a couple of months. Mind game for children is the most effective tool to be inculcated by children on regular basis.

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)
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