Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersMumbai shivers at 13.6 C

Mumbai shivers at 13.6 C

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The weather in Mumbai is comparatively cool and the people woke up to the coldest day of this season. The country’s financial capital has been witnessing lower than normal average temperatures for the last four days, an unusual phenomenon since a decade, and the mercury touched 13.6 degrees the coldest of the season. The temperature in Pune and neighbouring cities still shivers with below 7 degree temperature and it may still worsen in the days to come.

Mumbai recorded the coldest temperature of the season, which is six degrees below the normal during the month of December. The minimum temperature usually ranges between 17 – 19 degrees Celsius at this time of the year. This is 4 degrees Celsius below normal attributing to the present chill to the cold northerly winds. And these winds are reaching up to the north coastal Maharashtra from across Rajasthan and Gujarat and thus leading to drop in the minimum temperatures in all these areas. Mumbai continues shiver and the woollen dress sale is picking up in the market to combat cold in the coming days. 

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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