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Netflix Expected To Announce India Launch In CES 2016

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Netflix_DesktopIn the modern day and age, a major shift has been witnessed in the world of technology. A large number of people have been bidding goodbye to cable and TV sets, and have instead moved to their computer screens for television programming! Yes, 2015 was the year streaming services boomed bigger than ever before, and it is being said that in the next 5 to 8 years televisions and cable would be out of the business in the US, or atleast will be a minority. Streaming services are the future, and Netflix is currently leading the pack.

With over 69 million users across thet world, Netflix has grown so big that they have overthrown YouTube and have now become the number one source of data consumption across broadband users in the USA. Not a statistic that one should be proud of, but this does prove a fact that they are indeed bigger than ever before. The company has realized this statistic is alarming, and Netflix is now working towards getting their entire programming re-encoded.

The company had earlier announced that in 2016 they intend to double their programming and plan to reach more countries than they are currently operating in. In an effort to take this plan forward, it is being said in hushed whispers that Netflix is about to announce their move to India at the CES 2016.

Netflix had earlier said that they are tying up with Hong Kong and Singapore, and two other Asian nations. India is likely to be one of them, and the company has reportedly signed a deal with one of the leading telecom providers in the nation to leverage their 4G networks. India as a nation has just taken their first step forward towards the 4G LTE technology, and a majority of the country is still on 2G and 3G data. The move to India would be quite a boost for Netflix’s user base.

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