Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeCity NewsNine more Shiv Sena workers held for protest at BCCI HQ

Nine more Shiv Sena workers held for protest at BCCI HQ

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SenaA day after ten Shiv Sena workers were arrested for allegedly storming into the BCCI office and protesting against planned talks with PCB chief Shaharyar Khan, police arrested nine more party workers, including four shakha pramukhs (branch heads).

The total number of those arrested in this case has gone up to 19.

After the arrest, the accused were produced in a local court which granted bail to them on a bond of Rs. 2,000 each.

The nine accused were identified as Shiv Sena shakha pramukh of ward no. 225 Santosh Veer (40), shakha pramukh of ward no. 212 Manohar Patil (50), shakha pramukh of ward no.

226 Siddhesh Mandgaonkar (30), shakha pramukh of ward no. 211 Vijay Surve (65), Kiran Balsaraf (43), Dharmesh Mishra (25), Nilesh Ahirekar (38), Manish Surve (37) and Gulab Ugarej (30), police said.

“These Sena workers were arrested on charges of unlawful assembly and violating Police Commissioner’s order to refrain from such assembling. Our team picked them up from different locations,” said Dhananjay Kulkarni, spokesperson of Mumbai Police.

He said IPC sections 141 (unlawful assembly), 143, 149 and 37(1) and also section 135 of the Mumbai Police Act have been slapped against the nine accused.

According to Kulkarni, the police are looking for some more Sena workers to be arrested.

Over a hundred Shiv Sena workers allegedly stormed into the BCCI headquarters in south Mumbai where its president Shashank Manohar was to meet the PCB officials, he said.

Last Monday, the Mumbai police had arrested six Sena workers for blackening the face of Observer Research Foundation (ORF) Chairman Sudheendra Kulkarni, ahead of former Pakistan Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri’s book launch in the city.

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