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PM Modi the most popular national figure in Indian Politics — Part II

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Prime Minister Modi has the utmost zeal and enthusiasm to serve and help the people in need. His initial hardships of life not only taught the value of hard work but also exposed him to the avoidable sufferings of the common people. This inspired him from a very young age to immerse himself in service of people and the nation. One would find that he is a complicated man — isolated, a blend of populist, nationalist and a self-made success story. He has tried to make the country’s notoriously sluggish bureaucracy more efficient, implementing an online system to track when bureaucrats actually arrive at work. The most important quality in his is that whatever assignment or schemes for implementation he takes, he makes sure it is well completed and will always be behind that person till it is completed.

Modi has taken pains and has made commendable efforts to get a record-breaking election where people have voted across caste, class, region, and religion to unseat the Congress and bring in the BJP-led NDA government. Every time he was given a responsibility in the party – whether at organising a rally or an election campaign in a hostile region – he always exceeded expectation. His powerful ‘personal connect’ with the people on the ground is complemented by a strong online presence.

PM Modi has asserted for global peace and regional peace and India is capable and strong. According to Forbes survey, PM Modi has raised his profile as a global leader in recent years during official visits with US President Donald Trump and Xi Jinping and has also emerged as a key figure in the international effort to tackle climate change, as warming affects millions of his country’s rural citizens.

He is well known for his public speaking abilities, as he speaks, he very easily connects with his audience. His speeches are inspiring, powerful and optimistic. As people had high expectation from him and he did fulfilled them and still he is fulfilling them and may keep it on. His public speeches show us the direction in which we should lead our lives and we can make our lives better. He is an all-rounder who tries to cover every aspect of development from education to health, as he believes nothing should be left when it comes to development. His way of looking at life should be followed by everyone. His life and he himself have become an inspiration for everyone. His personal honesty is unquestionable. He has an open personal life. It is an open book. He has also kept his team from any corruption and one would have found that none of his team or the officers are charged with corruption and has so far maintained corruption-free government. He is able to read the mind of the people and adjust himself accordingly.

PM Narendra Modi has taken India’s global standing to newer heights with the world applauding his transformational leadership. He is known for his trim beard, stern demeanor, and imposing a rhetorical style. There is no doubt that Modi will rejuvenate India and will make it a bright beacon to the world. He has the capacity to convert every adversity into an opportunity.

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)
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