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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeOpinionDiaryRafale deal – A correct or wrong decision?

Rafale deal – A correct or wrong decision?

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Rafale deal is a correct or wrong decision is a debatable topic. A sensible person never demands are disclosure of price or its inbuilt weaponry so as to weaken the security of the country. Rather it helps the enemy country to counter our defence preparedness. Only anti-nationals demand such confidential items. People will be taught a lesson through ballot at the right time.

It is true that the Government of India took almost 18 months to finalise after Modi-Hollande announced the intention to have a deal. It will take a real expert to find any holes in the procedural matters mentioned. However, one mystery is that how a desperate requirement for 126 jets which was projected after all the IAF experts worked on it could be curtailed to just 36? Unbridled unionism initiated by communists right from the 1950s is the sole reason that working class lost all sense of proportion and officials both in the Government, Public sector and even in private sector, they lost their grip on productivity because of politics of a few.

For God’s sake let no one jeopardise the safety of the Country for scoring political points. All parties including the 3 wings should consider the safety of the country as paramount importance. What emerges from the Government’s submission to SC is that the entire “due” procedure was followed in the procurement of Rafale Jets, subsequent to the unilateral decision of the Indian PM’s intent to purchase 36 advanced jets in place of 126 for which negotiations were on the final stages. The submission does not clarify whether prior discussions were held on the policy choice of whether to retain the original contract by tying up the loose ends, including jets’ capacity enhancement, or to abrogate and replace it with a new contract.

The Congress leaders seem to have lost their sleep ever since the BJP-led NDA, under Narendra Modi, took over the office at the Centre. If this is going to be their pattern of being critical of the government, day in and day out, I am afraid that they may have to spend sleepless nights after the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. It is a matter of regret, and concern, that the opposition did not discharge their duties as a genuine Opposition.

Para 14 of joint declaration dated April 10, 2015, between PM Modi and President Hollande begins as follows: “Government of India conveyed to the Government of France that in view of the critical operational necessity for Multi-Role Combat Aircraft for the Indian Air Force, Government of India would like to acquire [36] Rafale jets in fly-away condition as quickly as possible. The two leaders agreed to conclude an Inter-Governmental Agreement for the supply of the aircraft on terms that would be better than conveyed by Dassault Aviation as a part of a separate process underway”. I wonder, how it can be construed as a binding contract. It is not. Please note that the declaration has many escape conditions.The terms and conditions have not been decided and nothing is certain. Please also note the phrase ‘would like to’, which makes it just an intent.

This is crystal clear. What more opponents of Modi want? Is there no law to file defamation against loose-tongue MPs by the Government, who indulge in false allegations about bye-passing of laid down Govt procedures? The coming elections and the 2019 parliamentary elections will put an end to all the speculations once for all.


C.K. Subramaniam



(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)
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