Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersSeries of stampedes in religious places

Series of stampedes in religious places

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It is learning experience for people going on pilgrimage to temples and other religious places in India should adhere to certain safety norms when going to the crowded places near the diety. West Bengal stampede is an eye opener as it is happening frequently as the devotees going for pilgrimage face stampede and lose their lives due to unruly rush. In West Bengal incident six women lost their lives in the stampede.  This is a very bad example of how the people choose most crowded places of worship and pay heavy price for the same. It is high time that the authorities manning such places should ensure a safety and security of devotees and adhere to strict rules and prevent overcrowding resulting in stampede.  Proper control over the crowd is the need of the hour. And if the pilgrims are so much involved to go on pilgrimage during peak period then they should insure and undertake such a venture to secure their lives from fatal accidents and serious injuries.  It is quite imperative to visit these places of importance during off season instead of risking the life during peak period. West Bengal stampede is one more incident of caution thrown to the wind to meet a fatal end.

Nickhil Mani

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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