Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersStop Swine Flu Deaths

Stop Swine Flu Deaths

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Swine Flu deaths have given jitters to the people of Maharashtra.  Mumbai city is also experiences more swine flu deaths from quite some years. The toll already touched 100 and it is time to take all precautionary measures and see that the disease did not spread in epidemic form in the state. As we do not have good hospitals to tackle this, the victims are running from pillar to post. Now, there are several suspected cases reported from the city and it is high time BMC should work round the clock and attend the cases properly on a war footing. Swine Flu is a common viral infection that causes a severe flu-like illness and proves lethal if not properly attended and lead to hemorrhagic fever. On the whole, the issue was not properly addressed in the state of Maharashtra and Pune topped the list some seven year ago. And the panicky among the Mumbai residents still continue. The symptoms are very clear and BMC should act immediately. It is time to vaccinate more and more people in the coming months to avoid spreading and civic amenities should be able to withstand and clear all garbage debris before the onset of monsoon rains.

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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