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HomeOpinionDiarySwami Vivekananda's struggle stands valid in the New Year

Swami Vivekananda’s struggle stands valid in the New Year

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Swami Vivekananda, born as Narendranath Datta, was an Indian Hindu monk, a chief disciple of the 19th-century Indian mystic Ramakrishna. Swami Vivekananda was one of the greatest spiritual leaders from India. He is seen as a key figure to have introduced Indian philosophies of Vedanta and yoga to the western world. It was his 1893 speech at the World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago that made him popular as “Messenger of Indian wisdom to the western world”.

He was the chief disciple of the 19th-century Indian mystic Ramakrishna and founder of the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission. He was considered a major force in bringing Hinduism to the status of major world religion in the late 19th century. His 156th birth anniversary on January 12, 2019, will be observed with much glory. Swami Vivekananda Jayanti from the year 1985 is also celebrated as National Youth Day.

The various forms and ceremonies, prayers, pilgrimages, and holy books are the preparations which take of the impurities of the soul. When the latter is cleansed, it will naturally want to get to the mine of purity — God Himself.  Every religion insists on people having faith. No doubt, blind belief is not advocated but on deep analysis, one can find a very great truth behind it.

The mercy of God is eternal and unchangeable, but how then can we reckon with the difference among humanity? The explanation offered is that the present life depends on the acts carried out previously. So, for a purposeful life, we are asked to carry out pious deeds now to ensure that our future shall be smooth and prosperous.

The man has been provided with three gifts — a body, the desire to be free and a noble soul. Using them, he has to reach the goal.  From Whom all beings are projected, in Whom all life and unto Whom all return can be called God.  The concept of God is a fundamental element in the human constitution.  Not withstanding the differences and controversies existing among various sects, there are several grounds of unitize.  Almost all agree on the Existence of God… who creates, sustains and destroys.  Second, of the soul and its re-appearance and third, of the universe. Our scriptures state that every duty is hold and devotion to it is the highest form of worship of God. Faith in themselves was the motive power which pushed our ancestors forward in the march of civilisation. These are some of the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.

On Swami Vivekananda’s birth anniversary, also called Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, political leaders, sportsmen, citizens across the world took to micro-blogging site Twitter to pay homage to one of the worlds greatest spiritual leaders.

The various forms and ceremonies, prayers, pilgrimages, and holy books are the preparations which take of the impurities of the soul.  When the latter is cleansed, it will naturally want to get to the mine of purity – God Himself.  Every religion insists on people having faith.  No doubt, blind belief is not advocated but on deep analysis, one can find a very great truth behind it.

The mercy of God is eternal and unchangeable, but how then can we reckon with the difference among humanity? The explanation offered is that the present life depends on the acts carried out previously.  So, for a purposeful life, we are asked to carry out pious deeds now to ensure that our future shall be smooth and prosperous

The man has been provided with three gifts; a body, the desire to be free, and a noble soul. Using them, he has to reach the goal. From Whom all beings are projected, in Whom all life and unto Whom all return can be called God. The concept of God is a fundamental element in the human constitution.  Notwithstanding the differences and controversies existing among various sects, there are several grounds of unitz. Almost all agree on the Existence of God… who creates, sustains and destroys. Second is of the soul and its reappearance and third is of the universe. Our scriptures state that every duty is hold and devotion to it is the highest form of worship of God. Faith in themselves was the motive power which pushed our ancestors forward in the march of civilisation. These are some of the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.

C.K. Subramaniam


(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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