Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeColumnVaidik's cheap publicity stunt

Vaidik’s cheap publicity stunt

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Why did senior journalist Ved Pratap Vaidik meet Hafiz Saeed who was responsible for masterminding the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. This issue had created a huge uproar in the Lok Sabha. The Congress had demanded an explanation from the government in this regard. Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh tweeted that Vaidik had met Saeed as an envoy of the NDA government. Even though Union Minister Arun Jaitley said that the government had not authorised the meeting, the Congress was demanding more answers. Vaidik defended himself and said that he had gone to meet Saeed as a journalist.

Vaidik appears to be self possessed but he is quite a cunning man. He might have met Saeed for garnering publicity and some people might even offer him money for disclosing about the conversations which he had with Hafiz Saeed. They might even ask more details about Saeed’s personal life from Vaidik and also pay additional money for it. Thus Vaidik has created a good source of income for himself by interacting with Saeed who is controversial person.

Having said that, there is something called national interest which needs to be taken into consideration when a person indulges in such acts. The US has named Hafiz Saeed as a terrorist and put the name of his organization Jamat-ud-Dawa (JuD) in the list of banned Foreign Terrorist Organisation list. Indian government repeatedly reminds Pakistani government to act against Hafiz Saeed. Why did the UPA government not reform Pakistani militant Ajmal Kasab?

Some journalists will try to do something different to attract attention and derive benefit out of it. The passport of Vaidik should be cancelled and he should be prohibited from entering Delhi. Let him go and stay where he belongs and the government must keep an eye on his activities and comments made by him.

In this government, with the backing from some arm chair ideologues several fake “chanakyas” are likely to emerge and the government must remain vigilant about such persons. Modi should not try to become a world leader so soon ( a TV anchor says, pehle Bharat jeeta, ab duniya jeetenge). The PM should first concentrate on the nation’s development. If he performs a good job in India then other nations will start admiring him. Indian embassy in Pakistan claims that they were unaware about Vaidik’s plan to meet Hafiz Saeed. What is the rationale behind your presence over there?

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