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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeOpinionDiaryWhy is Congress declining?

Why is Congress declining?

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Rahul’s campaign continuously crafted around the words “Chowkidar Chor Hai” for PM Modi but that failed to translate into votes. The Congress has underestimated the campaign strength of Narendra Modi. He was either ridiculed or ignored after 2009, but Congress failed to understand his methods. Rahul himself gave a statement that “I have one goal: to defend India’s institutions by defeating Modi and the BJP. I’m not seeing anything else. Like Arjun, I am targeting just the eye of the fish.” Will people be able to digest this? The decline and fall of the Congress is an arresting story written time and again; but this time the party is at the nadir of its influence in national politics. The results are a lesson for the Congress Party; it is on a steady decline in the country’s political arena. The Congress’ revival pivots on its ability to address its crisis of credibility, encouraging State leaders, and functioning as a vigorous Opposition in Parliament.

Recently, TIME magazine has also stated that the Congress party has “little to offer other than the dynastic principle, yet another member of the Nehru-Gandhi family” and that the party lacks “political imagination”, something that demonstrated by the Congress choosing to bring Priyanka Gandhi-Vadra — Rahul Gandhi’s sister — into the Indian political arena. Priyanka’s entry into active politics was a long-term wish of many Congress workers. She reminds them of Indira Gandhi’s attractive pleasing personality and is a new face for the Congress. It is also observed that such personalities sometimes increase the vote share by 5 to 7 per cent but that also did not happen. She brought with her the grace of Gandhi Nehru lineage and her immense personal charm. She has mostly stayed in the shadow of her brother Rahul, heir-apparent of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty.

One would have observed that the decline and fall of the Congress is an arresting story written time and again; but this time the party is at the nadir of its influence in national politics. Rahul Gandhi by wearing his Hindu identity on his sleeves is taking the ‘Bull’ by its horns. Congress Mukt Bharat is a political necessity to free India from dynastic Rule and the accompanying psycho fancy and corruption. Though Rahul’s elevation to Congress President is imminent, the challenges before him are immense. Many years of Congress rule has passed with poverty still keeping hold of the farmers and other poor people, dirt and squalor in the environment and corruption and black money laundering persisting in Indian society. This has naturally become a cause of concern for Congress cadres who feel that Rahul Gandhi’s inability to learn on the job even after more than 12 years in Parliament has put a serious question mark on the party’s future and their own political survival. Rahul had promised that farmers’ entire loan will be waived in 10 days of the government’s formation in the state but failed. They took a vote on promising entire loan waiver but the government failed to deliver.

Rahul fails to understand that PM Modi is solving the problems inherited from Congress governments. Congress and other political parties may be nervous because of courage and will power shown by the Modi government in backing armed forces decided to go for a surgical strike across LOC. It is clear that Rahul Gandhi’s hurdles in Congress are his inexperience and his inaccessibility. His image is also an aloof one. He doesn’t feel he has to have his own mouthpiece website and mobile application to make himself more accessible to people. Rahul Gandhi has different plans in mind but it does not work. Why? He may seem extremely well-intentioned but does that translate to an effectual administrator and visionary leader? Don’t we think Sonia and Rahul should focus only on the welfare of People in the Congress Controlled States and stop focusing on Modi? All are aware that Rahul has held no public office of import and accountability that would give us any insight into his abilities. Rahul Gandhi may seem extremely well-intentioned but does that translate to an effectual administrator and visionary leader?

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)
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