Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeUncategorizedZidane’s son to try out for France Under-19s

Zidane’s son to try out for France Under-19s

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Zinedine Zidane’s son Enzo has won the chance to be selected for the French Under-19 squad, a potential first step along the path of his father, who rose to international fame winning the World Cup with his country in 1998.

The Real Madrid youth midfielder, who will be 19 on March 24, will take part in trials and medical tests early next month, a list of players on the French Football Federation website showed on Monday.

The elder Zidane, 41, and now Carlo Ancelotti`s assistant coach at Real, is widely seen as one of the world`s footballing greats and in 2004 was named Europe`s best player of the past 50 years by a UEFA poll.

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