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HomeLifestyleBeauty7 Hair Care Beliefs that are actually damaging

7 Hair Care Beliefs that are actually damaging

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Hair-CareSo you are all set for your wedding, fixed appointments with your beautician, made your trousseau shopping list and decided your look for the big day. This is the time when everyone you meet is up with some advice for you, either for your outfit, makeup, skin or hair. Especially when it comes to hair care, there are at least a dozen beliefs and tips that every person wants you to follow. But did you know that some of these are actually not true at all, and can in fact damage your hair? Read on, as we bust 7 such popular notions.

#1. More you comb, better it is for hair growth

Regular combing is necessary for tangle-free and healthy looking hair. It also promotes blood circulation in the scalp. So, this belief might have some creditable origins. But if you overdo it, and do not use a wide-toothed comb, there are all the chances that you pull the hair off the follicles making the strands weak. Frequent combing can also irritate the scalp, further damaging the follicles. So, just be gentle and use a wide-toothed comb to untangle hair.

#2. Frequent shampooing prevents oily hair

Hormonal and genetic factors regulate how much oil is produced by our scalp. Shampooing will only cleanse your scalp and hair. It cannot control how much oil is produced. In fact, too much shampooing can leave your hair brittle by sapping it off the natural, essential oil.

#3. Some hair products repair split ends

Split ends are caused by the wear and tear of hair because of rough handling. Another reason is not regularly oiling and cleansing the hair. The only cure for split ends is trimming your hair regularly, and conditioning it well. Experimenting with too many fancy products will not only burn a hole in your pocket, but also make your hair weak.

 #4. Frequent trimming helps in hair growth

This is one of the favourite beliefs that many of us hold and pass on. The known fact, however, is that hair grow at the roots, and trimming the edges has no significance whatsoever, on the growth. All regular trimming can do is to make you look well-groomed and your hair well-managed by eliminating split ends. So, go ahead and do get a trim regularly, but only with the intention to look better. As far as hair growth is concerned, everyone’s hair grows about half an inch every month. So as a matter of fact, too much trimming might actually slow down the results you are looking for!

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