Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNationAct against supporters of terror: Modi tells Heart of Asia conference

Act against supporters of terror: Modi tells Heart of Asia conference

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In a clear message to Pakistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday called for “resolute action” not just against forces of terrorism but also against those who support, shelter, train and finance them, saying silence and inaction will only embolden terrorists and their masters. In his address at the 6th conference of Heart of Asia, a platform to help Afghanistan in its transition, Modi said the growing arc of terrorist violence is posing the gravest threat to the region.

“Terrorism and externally induced instability pose the gravest threat to Afghanistan’s peace, stability and prosperity. And, the growing arc of terrorist violence endangers our entire region. As such, support for voices of peace in Afghanistan alone is not enough,” said PM Modi.

“Since the turn of this century, the international community has extensively engaged in Afghanistan. Our words and actions remain focused on building, strengthening and securing Afghan’s territory and its citizens from external threats,” he continued.

“Silence and inaction against terrorism in Afghanistan and our region will only embolden terrorists and their masters, warned Modi.

“It must be backed by resolute action. Not just against forces of terrorism, but also against those who support, shelter, train and finance them,” the PM said in an obvious reference to Pakistan.

He was speaking after jointly inaugurating the annual Ministerial conference here along with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani which is being attended by Pakistan Prime Minister Foreign Affairs Adviser Sartaj Aziz along with representatives of around 30 countries.

With Pakistan being represented at the two-day conference by its de facto foreign policy chief Sartaj Aziz, Mr. Modi said mere action against “forces of terrorism” was not enough and the world also needed to act against “those who support, shelter and finance them”.

Pakistan’s Sartaj Aziz also arrived in India, but ahead of the schedule creating buzz around the reason for it. Earlier, a top diplomat from Pakistan was scheduled to arrive in Amritsar on Sunday.

There wouldn’t be any formal bilateral talks between India and Pakistan at the conference.

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