Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersThe beauty of Christmas and New Year

The beauty of Christmas and New Year

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The Christmas festivities have begun. It’s snowing in UK and snow provides mesmerising beauty to Christmas celebrations. The quintessential Christmas tree, tinsels and lighting and what not decorated in every home. If you want to see the strength and majesty of a Christmas tree, you need to visit Alaska.

Packing by volunteers and distributing of the gift packets by Santa is enjoyed by all the children around the world. I saw a very good Christmas theme display at Copenhagen airport. Gifts! aha! , all my woollen caps till today, have been picked up from seamen clubs from around the world and these have been woven with such love and care that after several washings, these are as good as new. I am at a loss of words to express my gratitude to all missions to seafarers in all ports. Why only the caps, the rosaries and bibles too. Thanks giving, making confession, seeking pardon, seeking the grace of God, are central to Christianity. Seeking is something that we learn from here. The churches of saffron Walden, Goa churches, from my cathedral school at Lucknow and my special one in Tokyo, are pure beauties. Oh! Jerusalem /Bethlehem! Exquisite beauty and tranquillity.

Daily reductions at all malls especially in UK and USA are sought after by one and all and you are lucky if you are there.

How can I forget Christmas and New Year celebrations on Park Street of Calcutta? Surprised, I was once present there for few hours on New Year while on duty on board and the Lord helped this innocent young man by not creating any breakdown during such an absence.


(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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