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Brad Pitt calls red carpet attacker a ‘nutter’

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Brad-Pitt1Brad Pitt has opened up about his red carpet attacker VitaliiSediuk, calling him a `nutter` and an `exhibitionist` who spoiled things for fans.

The Hollywood star joined fiance Angelina Jolie and five of their six children for the premiere of `Maleficent` recently. He was signing autographs when Sediuk jumped the barricade and grabbed Pitt.

The 50-year-old star said he managed to give the guy a crack on his head to extricate himself, reportedly. “I was at the end of the line signing autographs, when out the corner of my eye I saw someone stage-diving over the barrier at me. I took a step back; this guy had latched onto my lapels.

“I looked down and the nutter was trying to bury his face in my crotch, so I cracked him twice in the back of the head ?not too hard ? but enough to get his attention, because he did let go. I think he was then just grabbing for a hand hold because the guys were on him, and he reached up and caught my glasses,” Pitt told the magazine in a statement.

The actor got a restraining order against the former journalist, who has gained notoriety for disrupting major Hollywood events. Sediuk is now barred from such events. “I don`t mind an exhibitionist,” Pitt said.

“…But if this guy keeps it up he`s going to spoil it for the fans who have waited up all night for an autograph or a selfie, because it will make people more wary to approach a crowd. And he should know, if he tries to look up a woman`s dress again, he`s going to get stomped,” he said referring to Sediuk`s stunt during the Cannes film festival.

The prankster had got into actress America Ferrera`s dress while she was walking the red carpet at Cannes. He has also gatecrashed award shows like SAG and Grammys.

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