Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeColumnCongress must pull up its socks now

Congress must pull up its socks now

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The Delhi election dates have been announced. Normally we should wish that the BJP forms a government in Delhi after securing a comfortable majority. However, the only concern is assigning too much power in the hands of one party may make it autocratic which is not good for the democracy. Congress has done more harm to the nation by not projecting itself as a true opposition party for challenging the BJP. However, Lalit Maken has been appointed chairman of election campaign committee and all Congress party workers must rally behind him and put up a realistic agenda for Delhi’s development.

Former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dixit is doing harm to the Congress by making suggestions through the press. The party must reprimand her. Since the Congress is an old party it should start campaigning aggressively and can even improve its performance in the assembly polls which is vital for its future. AAP has lost its credibility after Arvind Kejriwal had resigned from the post of Delhi Chief Minister in a hurry. People had huge expectations from the party but it failed to deliver them. There is no guarantee, what work they will perform after coming to power. They may put their head down and engage in good work or might misuse the power to needlessly oppose the central government. Therefore, the Congress must project itself as a united team so that the public may offer them another opportunity as the party possesses experience of governance. Lalit Maken is a good candidate and possesses a clean image.

If the BJP is really serious about improving their credibility, they must eradicate the centers of corruption from the capital itself. There are vested interests and lobbies flourishing there for a long period of time. The evidence of these activities can be ascertained if an eye is kept on five star hotels at night and in sprawling farm houses around Delhi. We have been watching reports about the Sunanda Pushkar murder case everyday in almost all television channels. She was found dead in hotel Leela Palace’s suite number 345 on January 17, 2014. Even though a year has passed after this incident but the police are yet to find about the accused responsible for committing the crime. Despite this we never tire of discussing about effective intelligence gathering.

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