Recently the COVID-19 restrictions in the city were relaxed after the COVID-19 caseload weakened. People who have taken both doses of vaccine were allowed to travel in local trains or visit public places.
However, now BMC has warned that cases are again on the rise. “COVID-19 positivity rate in Mumbai is close to 1%. Figures are rising from 300 to 400-450 cases.
Suresh Kakani, Additional Commissioner, BMC while talking to Afternoon Voice said, “The Covid tests are increased again by opening numerous centres. Those who are fully vaccinated and essential service workers are allowed on local trains and public transports.”
However, after a short breather, the threat of a third wave continues to loom. Experts have said that the impact of the third wave will be more on children. The figures confirm this. Meanwhile, there is news that about 40 children have been found coronavirus positive in a week in Mumbai.
Meanwhile, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has already made preparations for admission, management, and treatment of new Covid patients. They are geared up to deal with the third wave of Corona infection.
Amey Ghole Ex-President Medical Committee BMC said, “The Government Norms and Decisions should be respected. There should be no politics in this issue. Nobody is discouraging the festivals the only thing is some rules and regulations should be followed.”
MCGM Medical committee President Rajul Patel said, “Our Administrative officers are coordinating with the 4 Deans in an organized way. The Hospitals are updating the medical control rooms of the Municipality, State Health Department and Shivsena Arogya Kaksha. Our leader Aditya Thackerey has arranged 3 lac vaccines from the Reliance Manpower section. That too they are Cowaxin. We are fully equipped for the preventive measures of the Third wave. Our marketing cell is campaigning alertness on health issues. Thousands of institutes are working with us and providing service to the city.”
Minesh Pimpale, Municipal Solid Waste Management Dy. Chief Engineer said, “The work is been processed professionally. The Execution of Duties to the employees and workers is done like a mission briefing. The transport and projection servicemen are working audaciously.”
Dr Padmaja Keskar the Ex-Executive Health officer said, “According to me beds are given to all the clinics and dispensaries. The paediatrics have given more space for relatives. The Corporation has kept some wards vacant for maternal and gynaecology departments. We have adequate vaccine doses to immunize.”
“The second wave prepared for us to face the third wave. We are prepared with jumbo facilities of Bed and ICU”, said Dr Pradeep Appaji Jadhav, Medical Superintendent Bhabha Hospital Bandra.
During the first COVID-19 wave in Mumbai, 5.6% of the total patients were children and below 19 years of age. At present, this rate has almost doubled i.e., 10.8% of children and youth are infected in Mumbai. On June 13 the virus affected children and youth.
According to the census, 29% of the population of Mumbai belongs to the age group below 19 years and this time, the coronavirus is spreading rapidly in this age group. While the pressure of unlocking and the fear of the third wave of coronavirus in the festive season is bothering everyone. From 21 to 28 August, the virus in Mumbai has hit 247 children and teenagers below 19 years. Of these, 65 children are less than 9 years of age. At the same time, in the first 20 days of August, 8,041 cases of coronavirus infection were reported, out of which 508 i.e., 9.2% were children.