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HomeUncategorizedG Sathiyan-Sanil Shetty settle for doubles silver at Thailand Open table tennis

G Sathiyan-Sanil Shetty settle for doubles silver at Thailand Open table tennis

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The Indian duo of G Sathiyan and Sanil Shetty finished its campaign at the Thailand Open table tennis event with a silver in the men’s doubles.

Sathiyan and Sanil sailed through the opening rounds, first beating Japan 3-1 and then Malaysia 3-0 to storm into the semifinals. They faced another Indian pair, represented by Harmeet Desai and Manav Thakkar, in the semifinals which proved to be a close 3-2 affair.

In the final, the Indian duo ran into Tobias Hippler and Kilian Ort of Germany. Sathiyan and Sanil won the first game 11-9 but fell short in the next three games, losing 12-14, 9-11, 7-11, to settle for silver.

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