Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersHardik hardliner

Hardik hardliner

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As the ruling BJP sought to corner both Patidar leader Hardik Patel and Congress leader Ahmed Patel, it is seen as a pre-election pincer move, both hit back in a bid to break the political stronghold is a last minute ditch to regain lost supremacy. In the meanwhile, Hardik sets deadline for Congress even before Rahul’s visit to the election bound state. Even though there is no concrete evidence, it was contended that Ahmed Patel had links to an ex employee, supposed to be an ISIS activist and that brought furore into the election scene. Hardik’s hardliner is a challenge for the Congress, who recluse Gujarat CM for insinuation and try to brush aside the charges. Hardik has already made it clear that he will have no issues in supporting the Congress in the ensuing State Assembly elections if it clarifies its stand on quotas to Patels.  Hardik is also warning of a frosty reception in case Congress seeks to take their support for granted and an amicable understanding is not worked out.  Congress is walking on a tight rope and Hardik is taking undue advantage of the weak position of Congress in Gujarat after Vaghela quit the mainstream in protest against the leadership. Hardik hardliner is holding the card in a caste based contest.

Aarti Vatsala

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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