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HomeNationKeep questioning me, you won't get anything: Gurdaspur SP Salwinder

Keep questioning me, you won’t get anything: Gurdaspur SP Salwinder

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Gurdaspur Superintendent of Police Salwinder Singh on Tuesday underwent a lie-detector test at the National Investigation Agency (NIA) headquarters in the national capital. Sources told that NIA had given the CFSL a list of questions that could be asked to Salwinder.

Gurdaspur SP appears before NIA

According to NIA DG, Salwinder is being questioned as he is a suspect in the case. He has also said that the NIA is collecting evidence as demanded by Pakistan.

“Even if you keep questioning me for 10 more days, you won’t find anything because I have not done anything,” Salwinder reportedly told NIA sleuths during questioning last week.

The special court gave the go-ahead to NIA to conduct the polygraph test after the agency felt that the officer may be hiding some information.

The court, while allowing NIA’s application, directed the agency to get the test done within three days. Sources said NIA officials had briefed forensic experts about the possible questions that he can be asked. Salwinder had given his consent to undergo the lie-detection test after which he was taken to the court on Monday for the permission.

Salwinder had claimed that he was abducted by suspected Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorists on the night of December 31, hours before they launched a terror attack on Pathankot airbase. However, he was released unharmed by terrorists after few hours.

He is currently posted as Assistant Commandant of 75th Punjab Armed Police.

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