Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeOpinionDiaryLet’s eliminate bribing from its roots

Let’s eliminate bribing from its roots

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“God made the man, man made money and money made the man mad.”

The world today is dancing on the rhythms of money. This money has created a number of problems in society.  If you have money, then only you can proceed in your life and if you don’t have it, then you need to face a number of problems in life.

Money has become more important to people in such a way that they have forgotten about humanity.  If you spend some time out of your home, then you will realise that how much this bribery and corruption is spread in society. This is an outcome of the irresponsible government. If they really don’t know how to balance rates of essential items with the occupation of the populace, then it is a big question that why they are still sitting on the chairs? If you look outside, you will notice that there is corruption in each and every field. This is providing a wrong message in the populace. People have started thinking that corruption can survive them in this highly expensive society. If you are going through any type of documentation work related to the government, then you will need to provide money at every step. Each signature of an honourable person will ask you for money. If you refuse to pay, then you will be on their waiting list. No one will help you or show humanity to help you out. Your work will always be in a pending condition.

Is this really a living place? If the world only knows the language of money, then is it really a life you are living? If you don’t wish to find answers behind this, then you are also one among them. You are only providing food to their roots. One day these roots will increase to such an extent that it will become impossible to find a way through all this. The best way to avoid bribery and corruption is to take strict action against it.

Yes, we can stop this ongoing chain. What we need to do is just live in unity. Say ‘no’ to each corrupted person. Avoid them in society. Create a group of polite people. Select an appropriate candidate in elections.

These ways can surely lessen the ration of bribery and corruption. If you cannot stop it, then at least don’t let it grow further. Stop giving money to corrupted officers and all those who are a part of corruption. Always think about the next generation.

The most important reason for corruption is the never-ending chain of bribes that are offered and accepted throughout the country.

In a country like India where bribery is the major source of income for most of the government officials and public servants, we cannot expect the government itself to do away with this corrupt practice. But the citizens cannot complain that the government and government officials are involved in the corrupt practice of bribery because it is the citizens who offer a bribe to these public servants. If the citizens themselves stop offering bribes, the roots of bribery will diminish in no time.

It is essential for parents at home and teachers in the school to teach the children the importance of honesty so that they do not offer or accept bribes in their lifetime. Slowly but steadily, the practice of offering and giving bribes can be eliminated from its very roots if people join hands and take an oath to eliminate this practice by hook or by crook. However, the bitter truth remains; we ourselves cannot imagine our life free from this practice so how do we expect to abolish it completely?

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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