Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersModi corners Karnataka glory

Modi corners Karnataka glory

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The last stage of the Karnataka election witnesses war of words between the ruling Congress and BJP. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is very well equipped to the tune of the state of the art reputation and persona, not only at the National level but also at the International level by way of proving his superb capabilities. Therefore, it is suggested that he should keep away from uttering various types counter jibes at opposition political parties in the States Assembly Elections. He must be mainly concentrated to convey people about the significant achievements and contributions made by government under BJP-NDA at Centre and States levels. The main factor that favours BJP is that there were no ministerial corruption by NDA government all these years, which is a major plus point as Congress government was not able to corner corruption. To add salt to the wound of Congress, the state was reeling under the lack of sanitation facility, accumulation of garbage at every nook and corner and the shortage of drinking water to the public. If Mr. Modi can stop the regional parties which are based on cast or language, it will be good for the country and democracy and the two party systems will see light at the end of tunnel. As Modi pointed out that the interest of the country is more important. Anyway, the stage is all set for a change in Karnataka.

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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