Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersModi making waves

Modi making waves

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Once again let me congratulate our Honourable Prime Minister and his team for their landslide victory. People quote our PM as authoritarian but according to me; he is more open to ideas irrespective of its sources. After success having been garlanded the BJP, while addressing the House in Parliament, our Hon’ble PM has made a very valid point as to easing of the burden of the middle class and the poor. I completely laud his effort in this direction.

Come what may, the middle class are the worst bearing the brunt. They need to maintain the status quo in the Society irrespective of their income/resources in order to be respected. Today, joblessness is another factor. And if the employment is there, there is no security and the income so received is also insufficient or in tune with the inflationary trend of the market. Added to the burden is the tax on them. In any case, there should not be any tax upto the income of Rs.5 lakhs. It is not that one may not want to pay tax, but considering the current cost of inflation one has to bear; one has hardly any money left with to do so. In private firms, there is no job security too.

Here, government employees are a lot well placed and the variable dearness allowance helps them fight with the inflationary trend. Yes, big corporate houses also take care of this issue. So, everyone is not lucky here. There are so many taxes we have to pay when we eat in a restaurant outside, which is almost 30 to 40 per cent of the bill amount. This needs to undergo a change for sure since, after all, we all earn to live and eat good food at times. I think this is reasonable to say so.

Education sector is another area to look into because of the fee structure involved. If one gets quality education at a reasonable cost, he/she can lead a successful life. This awareness has to be widespread across the country and implementation has to be carried out both in the government/private institutions/schools. The idea of developing Smart Cities with people’s involvement is a welcome feature and appreciable an effort.

National Health Insurance for all is a welcome feature by this government. Affordable housing for the middle class is also to be introduced.

Nickhil Mani

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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