Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersRespect the national anthem

Respect the national anthem

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India is a secular country and after gaining Independence on 15th August 1947, we have the right to express our views and nobody can stop us from offering valuable suggestions. Newspapers play a positive role in bringing the views of the readers by including them in letters to the editor column. It provides an opportunity to the reader to express his/her frank opinion.

The national flag is the symbol of India’s sovereignty. It is quite imperative that all the residents of India must respect the National Flag. Further, the Union Ministry in its notification, has imposed a restriction on the usage of plastic flags. We must respect that and prevent usage of plastic flags. Once the celebrations are over it is our utmost duty and ensure that the flags should not lie on the roads. It is also quite imperative to stand in silence for the National Anthem.

Citizens must pay respect to the National Anthem. There may by modifications in the rules but we feel proud to respect our flag when National anthem is played in cinema halls.

The Supreme Court opined that the audience need not stand up when the national anthem is part of the storyline of a film, newsreel or documentary, as was seen in blockbuster Dangal recently. It is not compulsory to sing the national anthem in cinema halls. There is also no need to stand up if it is a part of film, the apex court clarified. On November 30 last year, the Supreme Court had ordered cinema halls across the nation to mandatory play the national anthem before screening of a movie and the audience must stand and show respect.

Supreme Court refused to give an urgent hearing on a plea seeking direction for framing of a policy to promote and propagate the national anthem, national flag and national song. The time has come when citizens must realise they live in a nation and are duty-bound to show respect to National Anthem which is a symbol of constitutional patriotism and inherent national quality and hence there is no compulsion. The tricolour instills in us a sense of great pride, no matter what the platform and the confidence level take you to the skies.

Anandambal Subbu

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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