Saturday, June 8, 2024
HomeTop NewsSpeaking out of jealously

Speaking out of jealously

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Speaking-out-of-jealouslyShiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray’s pungi wala remarks made against Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has not gone down well with Mayank Gandhi president AAP party Maharashtra unit. Mayank said Uddhav has become insecure after observing the growth of AAP in Delhi. He also added that Uddhav is now worried that AAP might play spoilsport in the next year’s Lok Sabha election.

Mayank Gandhi said, “Sena is aware that AAP will bring some kind of revolution hence they are scared of the party. They are only making irresponsible statements against our party. We are connected with the people hence they will vote for us. People are already fed up of rising corruption cases in the country hence they want clean governance which can be provided by our party.”

Earlier Uddhav Thackeray had called Arvind Kejriwal as pungiwala and also compared him with RJD Chief Lalu Prasad Yadav who too was popular among people but is now facing charges for the fodder scam. He had added that it’s early days for Kejriwal and he is yet to prove himself. Uddhav stated that Kejriwal too will meet the same fate like Lalu who was once considered as messiah for people. He criticised Kejriwal for refusing security and travelling in metro trains which will only create more inconvenice for the common man.

“Once upon a time, Lalu Prasad Yadav showed the same zeal which Kejriwal is showing today. He had also created an aura by playing the pungi. The same Lalu could not do anything when he had power in Bihar and is now jailed on corruption charges,” Uddhav said.

In an editorial in his party mouthpiece ‘Saamana’ Uddav stated, “It has to be accepted that AAP performed a miracle in Delhi. The common people in Delhi and government employees voted for AAP,” he said. “Our democracy is wonderful. It is not certain behind which ‘pungi wala’ it will run. (Pungi, also called the been, or bin is a wind instrument played by snake charmers in India).

Now, it is Kejriwal who is playing the pungi and the people of Delhi are swaying (to the tune),” he said. “One’s competence is not proved by routinely branding others as agents and corrupt. Those who govern must behave like rulers and rule,” the Sena leader said.

Uddhav wanted that BJP should have formed minority government in Delhi. He also was confident that the party could have fulfilled all the promises made by it just like AAP. “BJP got 32 seats. They could have formed a minority government. We feel that it would have been nice had they done so,” Uddhav said.

“If AAP government is able to provide free water and power at concessional rate, it would be said that the same was possible for the BJP government too,” he said,

There was a huge crowd at Ramlila Maidan to witness Kejriwal ministry’s swearing-in, Uddhav said, adding, “There are certain techniques to gather crowds. If these techniques are used carefully, the crowds gather.”

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