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HomeEntertainmentHollywoodTerry Crews testifies before Senate on sexual assault

Terry Crews testifies before Senate on sexual assault

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‘The Expendables’ actor Terry Crews recently recounted his story of alleged sexual assault at the hands of an agent.

While testifying before the Senate on Tuesday in support of the Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights, the 49-year-old revealed he would not be a part of ‘Expendables 4’ because one of the film’s producers threatened him with “trouble” if Crews did not drop his lawsuit against William Morris Endeavor agent Adam Venit.

“I’ve done three movies called the Expendables with Sylvester Stallone,” Crews said, as reported by Entertainment Weekly. “The producer of that film called my manager and asked him to drop my case in order for me to be in the fourth installment of the movie and if I didn’t, there would be trouble.”

When asked if he has a role in the sequel, the ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ actor said, “No. Simply because this same producer is going under his own sexual assault investigation and abusers protect abusers. And this is one thing I had to decide whether I was going to draw the line on. Am I going to be a part of this or am I gonna take a stand? And there are projects that I had to turn down.”

Crews, in October last year, had revealed he was groped by a ‘high-level Hollywood executive’.

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