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HomeUncategorizedBlow to Boko Haram; Nigeria military claims Abubakar Shekau slain

Blow to Boko Haram; Nigeria military claims Abubakar Shekau slain

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In what seems to be a remarkable victory for Nigerian military, they claim having killed the leader of the Boko Haram, who used to pose as the deceased Abubakar Shekau in the videos. Also, over a hundred of Boko Haram militants are said to have surrendered to the Nigerian military.

Referring to the notorious Boko Haram leader who appeared in videos showing kidnapped Chibok girls, threatening to sell them, the Nigerian militarys asserted that it was committed to destroy the “Brand Shekau” and will serve justice to anyone who assumes that designation or title.

“In the course of those encounters, one Mohammed Bashir who has been acting or posing on videos as the deceased Abubakar Shekau, the eccentric character known as leader of the group died,” said the Nigerian military.

Nigerian military said the major development came as its troops had been conducting coordinated air and land operations to target the terrorists in the North East part of the country.

It added that 135 terrorists surrendered along with equipment to troops around Biu Local Government Area. Out of which 88 submitted themselves at Mairiga/Bun – Yadi, and another group of 45 terrorists were taken in around Mubi, Michika.

The success of the Nigerian military comes exactly a month after the Boko Haram released a video declaring Islamic caliphate in the northeast Nigeria town of Gwoza.

“Thanks be to Allah who gave victory to our brethren in (the town of) Gwoza and made it part of the Islamic caliphate,” Abubakar Shekau, who has now been slain by the military, had said in the 52-minute video.

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