Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeColumnChallenges before Narendra Modi

Challenges before Narendra Modi

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If you check the previous issues, you will find that I was the first person to suggest that Narendra Modi should be projected as BJP’s prime ministerial candidate because I had noticed that L.K Advani will not be able to galvanize the masses effectively. Rajnath Singh had supported Modi for the PM’s post and his efforts must be appreciated. Singh was able to convince the RSS to let Modi have an upper hand. Nitish Kumar will be the biggest sufferer who thought very high of himself but his career will be on the downslide.

There is a great opportunity here for the RSS to show it’s character. I do not think that they will ever receive an opportunity to form the government in future if they fail to perform. Sycophancy or “chamchagiri” is the biggest danger to which the RSS bosses may fall as a consequence of succumbing to “ buttering” by BJP old guards like Uma Bharti and Murli Manohar Joshi. The RSS must focus on citizen development ( vyakti ka vikas) and should only occasionally mediate in conflicts occurring between BJP aspirants.

There will be lot of insiders (and various factors) working on formation of the cabinet so let me avoid this topic just for the time being. Public had lost confidence in politicians and it is important to restore it by choosing a worthy cabinet. It is also necessary to address the burning issues like reducing price rise and reinvigorating the development effort.

All development effort will be nullified if we do not address the continuous rise in population. In this regard, sending back illegal immigrants is a legitimate exercise but it must be carried out judiciously and with lot of sensitivity. Let the government not think that this is the only job which needs to be done on priority basis. It is necessary to discipline our central and state government officers by reminding them that they are responsible for implementing various welfare measures. They receive remuneration and many other perks so they should work hard. Schemes for providing potable water and adequate electric power are obvious priorities and services of experts in the field must be utilized to work with our technicians.

Large number of workforce should be trained and more jobs must be created instead of merely doling out “sarkari naukri” to everyone. If we impart training to youth and utilize their skills for constructive activities then they will not be wandering around opportunists like the AAP. The growth of AAP was the result of total disconnect between the government and the masses during the UPA rule. BJP and RSS must not forget this. The saffron party is just nothing but a collection of old power seekers. The RSS must now stand up and say that they will strive for the welfare of all sections of the society for promoting peace and progress.

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