Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersForest fire will damage the ecology

Forest fire will damage the ecology

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Two years of drought and a rise in the average temperature, low relative humidity and strong winds have all contributed to the fires raging in Uttarakhand. It is known in these parts that forest fires follow a general five year cycle, and the intensity this year can be seen in this light. The drought and low humidity over two years have played a big role. The Forest Survey of India warns State governments about the probability of forest fires and preparations are usually taken up to contain them. Apart from the threat to life, forest fires are ecologically damaging depending on whether they are ground fires or crown fires. Using helicopters to pour water and douse fires is not a feasible option in the affected area because there are not enough lakes or large water sources nearby. The best way is to recruit more manpower to do the job, he added. Compared to the United States and Australia, forest fires in India occur largely due to human actions. Forest dwellers often start fires to create new ground to get a fresh crop of grass for livestock. Nearly 55 per cent of India’s forests are prone to fires and they emit aerosols in copious quantities that are damaging the environment, according to a study by the University of Freiburg on the causes and patterns of Indian forest fires. Now we should look for remedy from the man made disaster.


C.K Subramaniam

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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