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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersMissing Air-force plane

Missing Air-force plane

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The missing air force plane since last few days has become a huge concern for our defence establishment. All these days we heard about MIG planes meeting with accidents frequently.  Even mishaps in Navy Ships were giving naval officers a torrid time. Now IAF AN 32 plane is missing since Friday and the accident spot is yet to be ascertained. The Russian made Antonov 32 plane disappeared 200 km off the coast of Chennai and the search operation is monitored by the defence minister. Despite all efforts the search operation did not yield result and it is a mystery. It is time to phase out old outdated and out modelled Air force planes from the fleet of planes and we should upgrade the technology with latest flying machines. It is a lesson and we will not be in a position to lose more air force officials due to mishaps in future.

Nickil Mani

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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