Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersReservation has become a political gimmick

Reservation has become a political gimmick

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Quota and reservations has become a political gimmick in our country and Jat’s demanding OBC status is blackmailing the nation for ransom which should not be tolerated. India is a multi-lingual society with varying culture and tradition. The demands of each section is impossible to meet and the courts should intervene to abolish the ‘Quota Raj’ in our country. Reservations or quotas even after almost seven decades of independence speak poorly of our development and progress apart from education and literacy. It is a term coined by politicians to create a furore among the people to ride their political ambitions. Reservations should not be based on caste or creed but some aid or help can be given to the poorest of the poor when it comes to helping them get jobs or for educational purpose to make them independent. President rule should be imposed in States affected by the present Jat agitation and time for Supreme Court to end this reservation business so that such agitations don’t happen in future.

S.N. Kabra

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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