Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersAcademic brilliance does not guarantee success if it lacks vision!

Academic brilliance does not guarantee success if it lacks vision!

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Rush for academic brilliance has made our students weak mentally when it comes to practical approach of their book skills in real life scenario. They become mentally fatigued after running in the race for top honors in their degrees of excellence. The vision is missing which is the key to success in real life. Microsoft promoter Bill Gates failed in academics but excelled to become a technological giant because he had a vision and hunger for success and there are several such examples in real life. Academics is necessary but it needs to be combined with other aspects of life to make it a success. You can put all costly ingredients in a ‘recipe’ but it won’t be eatable or tasty if you don’t add minuscule ‘salt’ in it and the same goes for education which too needs a practical approach.

Our education needs a sea change where more importance is given to practicality than to mugging books which any Tom, Dick and Harry can do but cannot apply in life. Scientific approach combined with vision, skills, dreams and hard work are needed for success and these should be part and parcel of our education system for brighter India.

S.N. Kabra

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)


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