Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersAzad’s remark has hurt bank officials

Azad’s remark has hurt bank officials

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Being a Bank Officer, it was painful to note that recently Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad in Parliament making a baseless and unwarranted statement that banks charge commission to approve loans. He further commented that “when a person goes to avail a loan amount of even Rs 5,000, these banks charge 1 % as a commission”. Here I would like to point out that by and large a bank employee/officer never gets his due given the quantum of workload and financial risk when compared to his counterpart in any other public sector/central government department. It is very easy for people outside the industry to pass comments.

AIBOC – General Secretary has rightly said “the bank employees particularly the officers who are giving their blood and sweat to ensure that all plans and agenda of the government are pushed through with honesty and commitments, despite all adversities.” Bank staff is one of the most work-loaded and least corrupt work forces. The government’s policies are aimed at weakening the basic structure of banks which have withstood the turbulent economic situation mainly due to the concept of nationalisation.

I fully endorse the statement of Ashwani Rana – Vice President – NOBW that “Bank employees are honest and serving all the sections of the country”. It must be remembered that the bank employees are known for their contribution in building the Indian Economy. Bank officers carry on with the business continuously despite the presence of so many demotivating factors encountered in making credit decisions in order to keep the Industry functioning. The pulls and pressures on the officers working in branches and at the Top Management is a well-known phenomenon. Azad’s remark has hurt the sentiments/feelings of lakhs of Bank employees and he must withdrew his words.

Vinod C. Dixit

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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