Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersUnprecedented water shortage

Unprecedented water shortage

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Maharashtra is experiencing relentless water shortage and the position is becoming increasingly out of hand. House owners and the people residing on rent leave the sky scrapers and look for better accommodation with better water supply arrangement. For people residing on rent have many options and leave and lease agreement giving them leeway for vacating the flat by giving sufficient notice. Industries on the other hand have no option as places like Aurangabad is experiencing in recent times. Industries are contemplating on shutting down so that they can avoid the critical position of water shortage.  The city with multifarious activities is struggling for survival and it is time to decide upon the next step of action as the water position is getting dearer day by day. Breweries, which enjoy Government’s soft corner all these days are also facing music now. People working in the nearly 2.5 lakh industries may lose their job in case a shutdown is contemplated by the owners of these industries. It is indeed now or never situation.


(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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