Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersMisguided Kashmiri youngsters

Misguided Kashmiri youngsters

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Most unfortunately the Kashmiri youngsters are being misguided by quick, easy money and publicity hungry separatist leaders. And because of such misguidance the innocent Kashmiri youngsters are deprived of their financial and all round growth like the youngsters from all the countries of the world since the past many decades. The children of Saeed Gilani get best education out of Kashmir, in London. One child studies the medical line. The children of all the separatist leaders are safe and secure in countries out of India. But the misguided Kashmiri youngsters have to pay the price for terrorism. They all must realise these facts at their earliest in their own interest and bright future.

Hansraj Bhat

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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